Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I spent one of the best weekends in my life this weekend. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday I spent pretty much of all of my days with my Christian friends. We did trick or treating Friday, a Fall Festival Saturday and church on Sunday. I spent some time at my friend's daughters 1st birthday party. The weekend was really good. I realized this morning how much I gain from being around things that are positive in my life. They (my friends and the activities themselves) keep me pumped up for the next week. And I definitely felt God this whole weekend.

This is going to be a good week. One way or the other, we get a new President, no matter who it is, the weather is changing and is beautiful,everyday that we wake up we are blessed and we get another chance to show Christ's love to someone. Find those opportunities, they are there and there are alot of them. We may only get one chance to make a difference in someone's life... don't lose it!

Have a wonderful day ladies and make it a positive one!

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