Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank You!

I got a phone call yesterday from Texas. Now I use to live there but I don't have family there anymore. I don't know this person, but she knows me.. The voice on the other end was very nice but very as a matter of fact. She told me that she was praying for me and that she wanted to know my daughter's name so she could pray for her specifically. She shared some of her life with me and told me to not give up. She talked about faith the size of a mustard seed that could move mountains. After about 15 mins, I hung up and went in the bathroom and just had to sit there for a minute. The fact that a woman I don't know, never talked to took time out of her day to call and encourage me.... wow. I want to say thank you. Actually thank you to everyone for e-mailing me yesterday. My daughter has spent the last three days not talking to me at all, and last night, she actually had a small conversation with me that was pleasant. Prayer!

As "busy" as my life seems to be, I had to sit down last night and think " OK, what am I doing and why am I not talking to the only person that can help?" " It's what you write about everyday???" So I did alot of talking last night to God, telling Him problems but also thanking Him for the good things that have been going on too. And then I went to bed and slept. It really amazes me every time STILL as I talk to God and then go to bed, how much at peace I feel when I sleep as compared to not talking and going to bed w/ my mind wondering the whole night. But he did promise

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, give your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends ALL understanding will guard you hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.'

Things are gong to be okay, not that I didn't think they would, but you know how we humans are.. always wanting things in OUR time, OUR way, not willing to put in a little work to make it worth it. I am thankful for God's understanding care for me and my family and when I get a little stressed or anxious, I'll just talk to Him.

Thank you all and I love ya!! I hope you have a great day (school is out tomorrow.... joy joy), Lord willing, we will talk again tomorrow!!

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