Monday, March 21, 2011

I was blessed with good kids. Excellent students, athletes, funny and quick whitted, and even if they sometimes act like they have no home training at home, when they are away from me, I couldn't ask for more well trained kids. Everything I do, is for them. So you can imagine how proud I was when my 11 year old came to me a few months ago and said he wanted to be baptized. Now, as proud as I was, I was a little worried too. He's 11.. Does he really understand what that means? Does he know? He's just a child and I don't want him to be pushed by anyone or thing when it comes to making the most important decision he will ever make in his life. But the fact that he wanted to know more, that he asked me questions, that he knew that he wanted to live the way God wanted him too and be with HIm one day in heaven... brought tears to my eyes. So on March 20, 2011, my son, my baby (he'll always be my baby) was not only my son, but he became my brother in Christ. How awesome is that?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

I pray that I lead by example for him. That he sees me doing the things that are right and good and when I mess up, that I own up to it, make it right. That my number one goal is pleasing God.

Say a prayer for my little man, his name is Christian. His journey has begun, a good one and I couldn't be prouder!!!


  1. Praise God for your son. Your story bought tears to my eyes. God has got you and your family. I will keep you all in my daily prayers. It is truly a blessing when God touch one of His little ones. Only good things come from God, so you know your son's decision had to be anointed by God. Bless you all

  2. That is awesome. I pray God wraps him in that bubble of wonderful grace and protection to help him Grow the way he needs to stay firm in his faith.

  3. To awesome for words, Thank you Lord for the little children, Amen.
