You know, being a Christian is not always easy. You make up in your mind at whatever age that you want to serve God. You were taught all the good things that go along with that too: Life is going to be great in Heaven (and it is), you will have a great Christian family on earth (and you will), God will love you forever (and HE will) and being a child of God is the most wonderful thing in the world (it SURE is). But here is where we get a little side tracked..... they don't always tell you how you will have to endure all kinds of ridicule and troubles before some of those things come into play.
I was baptized December 6, 1986. I remember leaving school with my mom and dad and us going over to the church building. I was so excited. I had been talking with Mr. Cook (our preacher then) before hand and I knew everything I needed to (or so I thought anyway) and I was ready. He baptized me and we went out to dinner afterwards. I can rememebr thinking " wow, good stuff is gonna happen now". And it did.. but I also got alot of stuff I didn't bargain for and the older I got, I wondered if maybe I really wasn't as ready as I thought I was and maybe I didn't know as much as I thought I should know.
But as I have gotten older, I know now that being a Christian does not make you immune to troubles. As a matter of fact, I think that it actually brings some of them on. Hear me out... God wants us to become stronger, rely on Him for everything and as Christians, that is what we are suppose to do. I don't think that God causes bad things to happen, but I DO think He uses those things to make us grow more in His word. I think that our faith sometimes is going to be tested and the way we handle it is going to either " make us, or unfortunately break us".
Just like my kids, when they are wrong, I will not condone it. I try to help them make better decisions and learn from their mistakes. And next time, maybe they will see just what I am talking about. God is the same way. Sometimes we just have to go through stuff in order to learn do better next time. If by chance we want to do it OUR way and not listen, well like any parent, their are consequences to deal with. But the simple truth of the matter is that God is on our side even when no one else is.
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
I hope you all have a blessed day! Until next time, Lord willing...
It's just me and my thoughts

- No matter how mixed up it may seem, these are MY thoughts and how I see it
- I'm a simple girl who likes simple things. I am just trying to finally get my life in order. I write not really to give any kind of advice, but to kinda just talk my way through situations that happens to me. If I can help someone else along the way, then that's good too. I don't profess to have all the answers and as a matter of fact, I mess up quite often. But I know that God loves me amd wants nothing but the best for me and those around me. I hold on to that everyday. Not looking for any kudos, just trying to make it, one day at a time.
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