Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shaniya Davis

It broke my heart when they announced on the news that the little 5 yr old girl, Shaniya Davis was found dead. To see those precious pictures flash on the news and to think someone had done harm to her, well, I just couldn't imagine. I had seen her father on TV when they realized she was missing and I saw and heard the pain in him. He wanted his little girl back. And then the announcement.... they found her and her mom was in jail for selling her for sex. Even now, it still brings tears to my eyes.

Then this morning, as they were talking about it, her dad, visibly broken up said " This is not how I wanted it to end, but she is with God now and He has bigger plans." All I could do was cry. There is no way I can imagine losing my children, especially that way and then to say what he said. As Christians, that is what we are SUPPOSE to do, but sometimes, honestly it is easier said than done for us.

Jeremiah 29:11 says " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future."

I don't know why that baby had to suffer like that and Lord knows I hate she had to, but God doesn't lie and we have to believe that there is a reason, there are plans for her family. I don't know what her family believed, but I really believe that Shaniya is with God. No pain, no suffering. Be praying for her family though, her father AND her mother.

I really hope you all have a good day and as bad as this situation is, be reminded that a long life is promised to anyone. We take that for granted sometimes that when we send our children to school, we go to work, that we will all come back to see another day. Do the things you need to do in the moments you have.

I love you all, have a blessed day and Lord willing, we will talk again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I've cried so many tears for that baby -- she was SJ's age. I can't even fathom it -- I don't want to try to.

    I can't even watch it anymore, it just breaks me.

    BUT, in saying that -- you are right. Even Horrible, terrible, awful things happen for a reason... and one day, be it years from now or just next week, we will know why. It's just so hard to remember that during the storm.

    I love you!
