Friday, October 30, 2009

My sons came home the other day in a panic. It seems that their cousins had gotten them all upset about the fact that they had seems "things" happen in their homes. They explained to my boys that chairs had moved by themselves, they had seen "ghosts" fly by windows and how they heard things at night. They explained to the boys that demons were there and at night, they come out to get them. That led to the boys asking alot of questions and in the end, sleeping with me that night. I explained the best I could, because I do in fact believe that there are evil things in this world. I don't necessarily think maybe the same way as other people may, but yes, I do believe there are demons. I talked to Greg (my minister) and asked would he talk to the boys for me and kinda explain and of course he said he would. He said he would tell them about Ephesians 6.... how no matter what is going on in the world, the way to fight Satan is putting on the armor of God that would protect you against anything that could possibly happen.

Yesterday was a very... not bad, but hard day. It seems that the armor he told me about Thurs morning, I needed to put on myself by Thursday night. I have said it before, I will say it again, Satan is very real and very much alive and if he sees you having an issue with one thing, he brings the rest of it on to pull you farther down than you were to start with. But as much as Satan is real, so is God and as the day went on, I just prayed for some type of calm. See, I am a person who really believes in signs. I mean I ask God point blank.." Ok if this is it, then show me. If its not, send me a sign." I don't know that He actually does it or if its just my mind making it happen, but I would really like to believe God is answering me to help me. So yesterday like usual, that is what I did. I just said, I need a sense of calm, I need to know that this is going to be okay and I would appreciate it if you would let me know today.

Hmmm, I got that last night. I was reminded that even when I feel like I am overwhelmed, like things are not going to work out, God's phone line is always open. There is no reason for me to go to sleep with a heavy heart, when I can just lay it all at his feet and leave it there knowing that he will take care of it as He sees fit. The feeling or sense of being alone is not the case. I think as humans we get really caught up (at least I do anyway) in the physical, the things we can see and feel and forget the one thing that can ease any pain we may ever have. I went to sleep knowing that it was going to be okay.. it may not be easy, and it wont happen overnight, but it really will be okay. I got up this morning singing " Oh no you never let go, through the calm and through the storm....." and I knew it would be ok.

Again with my I tell you, if I ever wrote everything I was thinking.. WOW.. lol. Thanks for listening. Until next time, Lord willing..

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