Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm really tired

Isn't it strange how God will send a message right when you need it? For me, stress seems to come everyday. From being single, to being a single mom, work, school, the kids activities..... and I know I am not the only one out there. I see SO many people doing what I do or even more so I realize I have it better than some and I thank God for all His blessings. But, I would be remiss if I didn't say that I get kinda down sometimes.. I just get really, really tired and it shows at work, home, with the kids and even at church. It's not intentional, nor do I want to come off like I am sad all the time but it just kind of happens like that.

And then, this morning, I got this e-mail message:

And it reminds me once again, because at times I tend to forget that God is still there and He loves me. I remember being young and thinking how in the world can God be all over the world at one time? Did he have a million little eyes and hands so He could spread His power over everyone? Silly I know. But He is everywhere all the time, and He heard me last night talking to Him, He heard you talking to Him and it might have been the same time I was talking and He listened and He knows our desires and wants and needs. and at some point, we all really do have to start trusting that God is going to do just what He said He would do.

No matter what is happening in your life, mine, God love is constant, it never changes. The things we are going through, although hard right now, they come and go and one day we will look back and wonder why we let ourselves get so stressed in the first place when God had it under control the whole time!!

I love you all. Someone asked me last night when I was going to tell the " big secret".. lol..well, I am still working on that. God is still helping me figure some things out and when I know, I promise to let you in on it!

Have a wonderful day all.. I get to go to AHS tonight with my high school student to meet all the honor teachers at the school and get them prepared for the new year. I am excited and scared at the same time but I am gonna work it out. Lord willing we will talk again tomorrow. Make it a good one!!!

1 comment:

  1. "I get to go to AHS tonight with my high school student to meet all the honor teachers at the school and get them prepared for the new year"

    That sounds SOOO strange to me!! Bri shouldn't be old enough to be in high school!
