Good morning everyone. The death of David Sledge yesterday got me really thinking about the book of James even more. If you have never lost someone close to you, I can only tell you that what Jenny and David's children are going through is almost unbearable. Days start to get long, you lose all focus and any train of thought you once had, you think you can't go on, and you may even want to die too. I have felt that a few times in my life as well so I can truly sympathize with them. And you hear all this "wise Godly advice" and I don't say that lightly by any means, but honestly, at that point, you really could care less.. just being honest.
It has been almost 11 years (in August) that my mom died and I think about her everyday. But as much as I miss her and as much and Jenny will miss David, I know now that God is still there. I really didn't think that then. I mean, after all, He took my backbone when my mom died. And in James, when he said " Consider it pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance..."well I just know that my own personal situations made me stronger and more importantly, over the last 11 years, it has grown my faith. God was with me and brought me through some really hard situations, never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself. And to be quite honest with you, with some of the things I have done, its a wonder I am not dead myself.
I ask that you continue to pray for Jenny and her family..I mean really pray because Satan is getting ready to try to attack her.. I know it, I have been there. He is going to try to get her since he knows she is at her lowest point right now. Pray that God gives her a peace and help her through this difficult situation. And I hope you all know, all of us will at some point go through this. As much as we would like to think life goes on forever, one day we will get to see God and to be honest (and I am not ready to go NOW) but the thought of living with God forever.. well it makes me happy. Death can be devastating and tragic for sure, but the hope of eternal life with God, well..... I can't wait!!
I love you all, and I hope you have a great day. Lord willing,we will talk again tomorrow!!
It's just me and my thoughts

- No matter how mixed up it may seem, these are MY thoughts and how I see it
- I'm a simple girl who likes simple things. I am just trying to finally get my life in order. I write not really to give any kind of advice, but to kinda just talk my way through situations that happens to me. If I can help someone else along the way, then that's good too. I don't profess to have all the answers and as a matter of fact, I mess up quite often. But I know that God loves me amd wants nothing but the best for me and those around me. I hold on to that everyday. Not looking for any kudos, just trying to make it, one day at a time.
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