I know y'all probably think I make some of this stuff up, but I promise you, it really happens to me or people I know and i learn from it all the time.
Case in point: I have a friend (and I know he does not mind me writing this) who is having some issues. He made so mistakes and because of those mistakes, his life is changed forever. He called me one night to talk and his exact words were " I repented so I don't know why this is still happening to me."
Hmmmm... now you know you have to be careful when you speak to people. One, you don't want to tell it wrong and two, you don't want them to resent anything you try to do to help. So I said " hold on". I grabbed my Bible off the table and started to turn the pages. I am not good with quoting scripture word for word, but I wanted to get it right. He said before I could even open my mouth again.. " I already know what you are gonna read, you don't have to". Too late.. got it and it says
"Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8.
I agree that repenting of sins is the first step but that does not automatically let us off the hook. I told him that I am still reaping some of the stuff I sowed also but now I know better and he will too. But the thing I found interesting is that once we reread that part of Galatians, we are pretty much bummed out. Like there is no hope ya know. But if you keep reading (which I never paid attention to before) it says :
"Let us not become weary in doing good., for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
I know that for a longtime I got caught saying I am tired of trying to do right and nothing happen. I sometimes think it now! It gets hard seeing everyone else "seemingly" get everything they want when they want it. Jealousy starts and then that a whole other thing, but God said Don;t give up or give in and we will reap a harvest at the proper time. And you know what else, that may not be here on this earth. Maybe, just maybe it means having a home w/ Christ for eternity and that would be the best harvest ever!
So I guess I helped my friend that night. He called back so that's a good sign.
I hope you all have a great day. I am rushing as usual.. gotta run. Love you all and Lord willing......
It's just me and my thoughts

- No matter how mixed up it may seem, these are MY thoughts and how I see it
- I'm a simple girl who likes simple things. I am just trying to finally get my life in order. I write not really to give any kind of advice, but to kinda just talk my way through situations that happens to me. If I can help someone else along the way, then that's good too. I don't profess to have all the answers and as a matter of fact, I mess up quite often. But I know that God loves me amd wants nothing but the best for me and those around me. I hold on to that everyday. Not looking for any kudos, just trying to make it, one day at a time.
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