Friday, April 24, 2009

Weight Watchers and The Divas

I met Demi, Sheree and Kim in what some would call a strange way. I met them all individually online when I started weight watchers about 4 1/2 years ago. I mean there are alot of people on this site, but someone we all just clicked and I got this idea that maybe we should form our own little support group among ourselves. So we did and thus the DIVAS were born. Don't ask about the name.. lol.

Demi lives in Florida, Sheree in Virginia and Kimmy, well she lives WAYYYY in Iowa. We are all night and day but mesh very well together and are a constant support for each other as we travel on the weight loss journey. Before I went to the Women's Conference last week, we all had a conversation (online) about finally taking control of ourselves and our bodies and getting our weight under control. It was strange to me (shouldn't have been though cause that's how God works) that at the conference, they talked about getting our bodies healthy to serve God. I mean I honestly never thought about it that way before. I just wanted to lose weight cause I wanted smaller clothes and I want my knees to stop hurting!!!

But in I Corinthians 6, Paul talks about sins against the body. He said " you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with you body." That means keeping it healthy and right so that we can serve God best.

I am a night owl, or use to be anyway. When I finished school last year, I had a hard time getting settled down at night. My mind was always racing and I could tell you what came on at 2, 3 and 4 AM on TVLand! I was literally up all night and by the time I got to work in the mornings, I was ready to go to sleep!!! Psalms 127:2 " In vain you rise up early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat- for He grants sleep to those He loves." There is no way our bodes can function without the proper rest, and if it can't function, how are we to be about God's business??

So as I go through this new phase in my life, it has to include being healthy. Not just for my own personal sake ( and cause I don't need slack from the Divas :)), but because God wants me healthy to serve Him better!!

Its Friday folks!! We made it through another work week and it was good! I hope you all have a great and wonderful weekend. We have Operation Serve going on this Sunday at my church. This is the 2nd one for us. We have specific projects that we are doing out in the community. I am suppose to help with a habitat house (get your cameras ready!! hahahahah). At some point this weekend, get outside of your box and do something for someone else. They don't even have to know you did it.. just do it!

Love you all and Lord willing, we will talk again on Monday!!

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