Wednesday, February 4, 2009

God Knows

Hebrews 13:5-6 - Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you;never will I forsake you."So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"

Most of you already know some of the things that have happened in my life: from the death of my parents when I was 25 to my first divorce at 28 and my second divorce at 31 or maybe it was 32. It has been a long ten years let me tell you and this is not for sympathy or pity, but to tell you that God is good. I mean REALLY GOOD. As I look back on everything, every single time, I remember saying " I can't do this, I'm scared, hurt and alone. Why me?"I mean I had done everything I was suppose to and I couldn't figure out why God was mad at me. And in my thinking, I made choices. Not so good choices because of anger.. I thought that man (in general) could make whatever was wrong right. See I figured that if I could find people and things to hang on to, then I wouldn't be alone anymore. I can't tell you how wrong I was.

Why me I kept asking....But you know what.. why NOT me? Don't get me wrong, if I could wave a magic wand and change it, I would in a heartbeat, no questions asked. But I look back on it now, and yes I still have days when I want to do the woe is me thing, but the whole time, I had something, someone helping me stand up straight. When I wanted to just say "forget this" and not do a thing, a door opened and allowed me to do ALOT. And it wasn't from any man or anything that I was coming in contact with that I thought could help. That door was not magically opened, God opened it and help me through it. The answers I thought I wanted were definately not the ones I needed.

So remember, we are not going to always get the answers we want and we sure aren't always going to get them as soon as we would like. But taking that time out again, to be still and listen, He will give us the one we need.

God Knows

When you are tired and discouraged from fruitless efforts... God knows how hard you have tried.
When you've cried so long and your heart is in anguish... God has counted your tears.
If you feel that your life is on hold and time has passed you by ... God is waiting with you.
When you're lonely and your friends are too busy even for a phone call... God is by your side.
When you think you've tried everything and don't know where to turn... God has a solution.
When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustrated... God has the answer.
If suddenly your outlook is brighter and you find traces of hope ... God has whispered to you.
When things are going well and you have much to be thankful for... God has blessed you.
When something joyful happens and you are filled with awe... God has smiled upon you.
When you have a purpose to fulfill and a dream to follow... God has opened your eyes and called you by name.
Remember that wherever you are or whatever you are facing... GOD KNOWS.
Pray to the Holy Spirit in asking if there is anyone we need to forgive.
Pray for someone who is difficult for us to love.
May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe.
- by L M Myers

I love you all... have a great day and remember to say a prayer today for the families of the 9/11 tragedy!!!

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